вторник, 26 февраля 2019 г.

Rowanberry socks

Описание на английском языке 

SIZE women

DEMAND Demand for the socks:
Novita Nalle
(099) black 100 g and
(589) red plum 100 g

Novita Nordic Wool
(554) heather 100 g and
(532) pomegranate 100 g

Demand for the motifs:
Novita Nalle (549) Christmas less than 50 g and
some (690) nutria

Novita Nordic Wool
(397) spruce less than 50 g,
some (590) dark ruby and
(645) squirrel

Double-pointed needles:
Novita 3 mm and 3½ mm or sizes needed

DENSITY Stitch patterns:
- Stockinette stitch in the round:
knit all rounds

24 sts in stockinette st = 10 cm

The rowanberry motif is stitched onto the finished socks. The midpoint of the pattern is marked with an arrow on the chart.


Using the black yarn and two needles (to give the cast-on edge additional stretch ), cast on 80 sts and distribute them onto four needles, 20 sts each. The beginning of the round is between needles I and IV. Work stockinette st in the round for 3 rounds.

Next work a round with holes: k1, *k2tog, yo, k3*, repeat *–* 15 times in total, k2tog, yo, k2. Work 1 round with black.

Begin the striping in stockinette st:

*1 round pomegranate, 1 round black*, repeat *–* 5 more times

11 cm pomegranate

*1 round heather, 1 round pomegranate*, repeat *–* 5 more times

14 cm heather

*1 round red plum, 1 round heather*, repeat *–* 5 more times

14 cm red plum

*1 round black, 1 round red plum*, repeat *–* 5 more times

Note: When the piece measures approx. 26 cm, begin the calf decreases. Decrease round: at beginning of needle I k2tog, skp, knit all sts on needles II and III, work needle IV until 3 sts remain, k2tog, k1. Repeat the decreases every 8th round 11 more times. 2 sts decreased on every decrease round, 56 sts on the needles.

After the decrease work in stockinette st until you have finished the striping. Work the instep of the sock with the black Nalle yarn. Redistribute the sts so that there are 14 sts on each needle while keeping the beginning of the round in place.

Then begin the heel flap by knitting the sts on needle I onto needle IV = 28 sts. Leave the other sts on hold. Turn work and begin the reinforced st: Row 1 (WS): sl 1, purl to end. Turn work. Row 2: *sl 1, k1*, repeat *–* 13 more times. Repeat rows 1–2 a total of 15 times (=30 rows).

Work 1 more WS row and begin turning the heel. Continue working the reinforced sts as before. Work the RS row on the heel flap until 10 sts remain. Work the skp decrease (= sl 1, k1, psso) and turn work. Sl 1, p8, p2tog, turn work. Sl 1, work until 8 sts remain, skp. Continue in this manner, decreasing sts on the sides while the middle group remains at 10 sts. When only the centre sts remain, move the sts on the heel flap onto two needles, 5 each. K5.

Using a free needle pick up 14 sts from left edge of heel flap + 1 st from between the needles. Knit the picked-up sts tbl onto needle I. Knit the sts on needles II and III. Pick up 14 sts from right edge of heel flap + 1 st from between the needles and knit them tbl onto needle IV.

Continue working in stockinette st with these 68 sts and begin the gusset decreases. At the end of needle I k2tog. At the beginning of needle IV work the skp decrease. Repeat the decreases as before until 14 sts remain on each needle.

Keep working in stockinette st until the sole measures 21 cm or the sock covers your fifth toe. Then begin the toe decreases.

Toe decreases: Work all sts in stockinette st. At the end of needles I and III: k2tog, k1. At the beginning of needles II and IV: k1, skp. Repeat the decreases on each round until 8 sts remain. Break the yarn, pull it through the sts, and securely weave in the ends.

Follow the charts to stitch the motif onto the socks using the duplicate stitch technique, chart I for the leg and chart II for the instep. Begin the motif on the instep at 3 rows from the red plum stripe. The left sock is depicted on the charts, so work right sock as the mirror image.

Using the black yarn, crochet two 100–120 cm chains (chain sts) and four shorter ones. Pass the strings through the holes on the cuffs. Attach the shorter strings at approx. 10–15 cm from the ends of the long strings. Using different-coloured yarns make 6 pompoms for each sock, approx. 3½–4 cm in diameter. Attach the pompoms at the ends of the strings and onto the leg.

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